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Top Tips for Grid Interviews

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Congratulations you have a GRID interview!!  There is no getting around the fact that GRID interviews are scary, we hope that these few tips will help to reduce the fear….just slightly!

Before the interview

  1. Speak to people who have had interviews before, successful or not. Find out the format for your particular GRID interview. Ask for any pointers and questions that frequently come up.

  2. Practice…but not too much! You want to sound natural and not like an over-rehearsed robot.

  3. Plan what you are going to wear as your outfit is important. You want to look smart but feel comfortable. Treat yourself to a new outfit that makes you feel succesfull!

  4. There is a lot of paperwork you need to take with you, double check you have everything to avoid any last minute panic.

  5. All interviews (unless told otherwise) take place at the RCPCH offices in London- plan your route and mode of transport. Aim to arrive there a little early so you can have a coffee in the coffee shop opposite and take a deep breath

  6. Breathe! Try not to be too nervous-take a pause and stay calm. Remember to smile and be yourself.

  7. Finally before the interview starts, remember to believe in yourself. You need to sell yourself and make them see that you are the right person for the job……you need to think it to!

During the interview

Most of the interviews follow a similar pattern; practice answers for the common and more obvious questions. There are usually 4-5 interviewers who will each ask a question based on a particular theme….

  1. Clinical question aimed at your subspeciality. Remember though that if they don’t expect you to have experience in that particular job they will tailor the question accordingly. Take a moment to think before you start and keep your answer systematic and ordered.

  2. “Tell us about a paper you have recently read, how did it change your practice?” Make sure you have actually read a relevant article before your interview!

  3. “What kind of leader are you?” or “What leadership skills do you have?”

  4. “Why do you want the job? Why should we employ you?” This is such a common question make sure you have an answer, try and make it stand out and not be a textbook answer

  5. “What teaching experience do you have?”

Post interview

When it is over, try not to overanalyse anything-you genuinely can’t tell how you did. I did some retail therapy afterwards to cheer myself up after a “terrible” interview and spent A LOT of money…..but ended up getting the job! Getting THAT phone call to tell you that you have been selected will make all the stress worthwhile!

Finally……GOOD LUCK!!!!!!


Need some inspiration on what you can achieve if you choose to go grid? check out Lisa’s journey through Gastroenterology grid training in pictorial form! Or if you’re not quite sure and thinking about applying next year, read our thoughts on Grid or Not to Grid


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