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Dear Me- A Letter to my Self-

by Dr Hannah Murch

Dear my medical student self,

Wow, your first day in medical school-well done, I know you think you are great….I have something to tell you, you are not! You are the very bottom of a big shit heap and have a long way to go before you can crawl through it. Belief me, I am now 15 years further on and still am wading thigh high. Listen to what people have to say, stop wasting time sleeping through lectures and drinking too much, it only makes you fat- I have photographic evidence of this. The lectures on subjects such as “immunology” and “pharmacology” you are about to sleep through due to a hangover, will mean that you never quite understand the subject again….PLEASE WAKE UP!!

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On the other hand though, once you are working you will never get the chance to party all week dressed as a cave girl, school girl or scantily clad in toga-so go for it….enjoy freshers! I am now married with two children and the only “all nighter” I now pull is when my children are teething, growing or ill!

I am currently “that” paediatric registrar I remember thinking knew everything, I must, im a registrar?! The problem is: I don’t. I just know where to look things up and don’t mind asking questions. Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer, just keep asking.  I know you will hate medical school until you reach the 4th year but when you start your

paediatric placement you will realise it is the job for you. Working with children and their families will make all the studying worthwhile and you finally find something you are good at. Until then, stop applying for jobs to be a wedding planner or work in “the city” it is a waste of time.

Finally, go easy on yourself. In the years to come, you will be your own worst critic-it is not helpful, just give yourself a break.




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